iPad blogging

This is a First Test to blog from my New iPad. While it is for most users nothing but an Advanced Gaming Device with a nice touch, I see good use for it in my daily work. Already after a couple of days I do my news reading and tweeting preferably on the iPad. RSS Feeds are synched via my GoogleReader account by Feeddler.

It integrates really well all those tasks in my daily rhythm, yet, I assume it can do much more.

I plan to try sketching, GTD and note taking (especially for developing ideas) to do mainly on the iPad in the Next weeks.

What I already dislike a lot is how hard it is to manage the iPad App store. Finding good apps is hard and expensive. Instead of having a trial period, you'll have to pay quite some squids to test drive apps. Often to find that the app is just not what I need. this truly has to improve if the iPad should once replace netbooks or laptops.

And: tipping in english while the iPad is set to german is a pain.

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