Dealing with Amazon S3 and buckets

i am using Amazon S3 as storage and backup solution for a couple of years now. In the beginning only US buckets (="server space") could be allocated and when available finally, I never tested the EU buckets. Until now.

For the version two dot zero of my app bcAdmin I added the possibility to upload recordings to one of our servers. That way users can send me or my partners recordings for manual analysis directly from within bcAdmin.

Upload destination: Amazon S3, EU bucket.

Using the ConnectionKit framework I already had managed to use ftp connections. With my EU bucket at S3 I stumbled upon problems in the beginning. Seems some libraries are still using outdated code to connect to S3. The way http requests have to be built differ from early S3 to current S3. Changes were made due to routing of EU servers. Wasn't to hard to adopt, one just had to add the bucketname in the URL path.

For all framework developers out there: If possible, test US and EU servers. I found some apps like Flow that is based on ConnectionKit, which doesn't work with EU buckets yet.

If you need my findings in detail, mail me.

Ah, and by the way, ConnectionKit despite the lack of documentation works well fo rme, i am using BriansBranch.

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